Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Brain Fart: I Forgot to Drink my Anti-Seizure Medicine this Morning

How could I have forgotten to drink my medicine this morning?!  Thank God I didn't have a seizure this afternoon, though I already felt light-headed at around 1pm.  Just realized that I wasn't able to drink my morning dose, when I was about to drink my evening dose.  Boo!  

Message to brain:  When the alarm sounds at 6am or 6pm it means it is TOP PRIORITY to drink your medicine!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Multitude Monday (21-30)

21)  The past weekend was so tiring.  I was so stressed with things to do, mostly related to service.  I couldn't help but burst into tears because I was so tired.  My initial outburst was, "God, I'm tired na!" (this was while I was bearing with a throbbing headache).  Then I asked Him to just take away the pains and heartaches of serving.  But being the Awesome God that He is, He didn't take a single one away...I simply had to face each commitment head on relying on the strength that can only come from Him.  
22)  productive breakfast meeting with our parish priest  
23)  a homily that gave me a fresh take on "Doubting Thomas"
24)  a good bargain on U.S. college notebooks for the coming school year
25)  catching up with an old friend  (it was a "meeting" within a meeting)
26)  a good attendance at our Friday Youth Fellowship (FYF), even if we were up against "The Royal Wedding"
27)  the non-stop grumbling of MK, as he completes a long overdue task...LOL!
28)  Nova Homestyle Barbecue with Coke
29)  goldfish that survived 2 days without feeding
30)  a few minutes of kwentuhan with my BIL Jojo and SIL Beth