Sunday, September 2, 2012

Brain Fart: Unplugged

I have observed that it takes longer for an iPad to charge when it is plugged into a computer than when it is plugged into a wall socket.  This is something I have observed in myself as well....

I have been plugged into my computer every evening for so many months now that I have been slow to charge spiritually.  It has been so long since I really plugged into the one true source of strength.  My prayer time is at an all time scripture reading is barely passing and I have been doing things that dishonor my God.  It is about time that I clean up my system.       

I really need to learn to discipline myself once again when it comes to faithfulness to my promises to my God.  I haven't been showing up for our "dates" for quite a while.  I'm a lousy date!

Message to brain:  It takes 21 days to form a habit.  Let's bring back the habit of defending our prayer time (by God's grace)!